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The summer of the Gasometer, Steadfast affections, and reflections on style

18 July 2024

Summer sublimated in the surreal landscape of the Ostiense riverbank. A summer to be spent in the city, with the warm evenings of early July caressed by the Ponentino breeze and sensations suspended on the silhouette of mythical architectures illuminated by light installations, the electronic music of Giorgio Moroder, the daily occupations, and that certainty that has accompanied us from the beginning: the Gasometer.


Again, again and again, because this monument is our Colosseum, the sign of a contemporary era just past and yet evolving. It is the emblem of 20th-century industrial archaeology from which we can learn the game of spatial compositions and the harmonious dance between structure and man, the electric dream we sometimes wish to see functioning again, the exposed skeleton of a giant that served Rome in its hardest days and now rests stretched out under the green-blue open sky of the southern bank of the Tiber.

A few months ago we dedicated a new piece of jewelry to it and it seems that this season, with its expanded perspectives and tension towards shimmering coasts and carioca paradises, is the right one to tell its story; to celebrate those who stay, to remind those who leave of the place of stable affections. And also because designing it brought us back to the traces of that love that many years ago defined a crucial moment for us and which today is the basis of our work.

The Gasometer choker is a classic form of jewelry, a semi-rigid necklace that, embracing the profile of the neck almost without touching it, sinuously winds along the décolleté. Circle and curve, joining together, open up in a metaphysical passage from the second to the third dimension. The beams, from supports and connections, become pure decoration, the three thousand tons of iron of the original sublimate into the idea of the lightness of an occasion. Up to you when to wear it: with the easy option of an evening gown, with the timeless, impeccably chic little black dress, with jeans and a white t-shirt, without makeup and with slightly tousled hair; why not, for a beach aperitif, as a good luck charm, an urban affection you just can’t part with… like us.